The Hard Reality of Online Part Time Job
(BBD Online Training Program)
I just share you my experience with BBD Online Training Program company. It is an online freeliencing company. They don't have any type of headquater. They have only a website with ssl. This is their whole company. This company run upon Whatsapp & Google meet. I just tell you the company fundamental & how to cheat us the company if few steps. Read and any question about this article please comment.
The reality of BBD Online Training Program |
Facebook Post/ Templete/Youtbe Videos :
This company work in so much language. My monther toung is Bengali. So I join this company with Bengali language. They has a templete to post first 10 days on facebook with 50 people tag. Every single post you got 5rs in Indian currency. They promise this post 1 hour work & monthly sallery 3000 rs in Indian currency. They just give you 3000-50000/salary. But when I join this company I see you make a post on facebook and it's heardly 1 hour and you got 5rs insted.
Security Money:
This is the funny point. When you council with this company they say to you give 499 rs (it's now 700 rs) insted you join this company & also tell you give 600 rs security money after some months. They realised you all the 499+600 rs you just earn in first 2 month when you continue your training. But reality is you earn every week just 25 rs, so if you work 2 months you just earn 200 rs, and the security fees get in to your pocket.
My Joining:
I join this company 9th April, 2021. The company start 1st Nov, 2020. I think this company just now stabilized but when I join I just realized that they promiss me to 3 month after our training we get a job but the reality is their company do not allow to Saterday & Sunday training so only 5 days in a week you work. So the 3 month reality is 4 month & 2 weeks. I think I join in April so my month salary start from the july, reality Septembor. It's funny.
Work as a Councilor:
Monday I join this company Tuesday afternoon a WhatsApp massage come. They want 2 councilor. I just apply. They just question to me that how much time to give I everyday to this company. I said 5-7 hour everyday ( because I know the company start every day 8 am so I work 7 hour every day 4pm my job is over). They just joining me in councillor group. After 3 days training I just realised that my work hour morning 8 am to 11 pm to night. This is not funny for me Because I am a history student. I'm pursuing M.A. under North Bengal University. So I don't have so much time. I write this article monday morning 7 am. Now I just go this comapny whatsapp group & I resign. This is my work hour. In every councilling I just got 5 rs in Indian currency. If anyone interested with my proposal and 499 rs security fees submit & join this company I just receive 40 rs. So If I job all the day this company but people just demotivated because they don't have any type of Headquater, They don't have any type of proper fundamental.
They say their templete/facebook post, Youtube videos they give salary everymonth 3000-50000rs in Indian Currency. But I realise that 5000 rs salary every month it is the highest salary. 50000 rs salary is fake. They don't talk the 10000rs salary also. You work 15 hour in a day for a company & they just give you only 5000 rs salary. It's very low bugget.
Working Days:
They say their templets/Facebook post, YouTube Videos working day only Monday to Friday but heard reality is you work for this company everyday, every single minute. This is The BBD Online Training Program.
They claims that they training many types of courses. The first type is Photo editing. I think a good comapny so I just join. But their photo editing is so basic like a kindergarten boy/girl make it. So I edit some picture & I show you. Their video editing also childish. Just some slideshows with basic quality editing. They just tergeted those type of boys/girls they don't have any type of skill so they just make profit for them.
Age limit:
They say their templets/Facebook post, YouTube Videos age limit is 18 to 25 years. But actually 17 to 29 years their age limit. So fantastic. They say something & they do something.
So this is all I experience to work one week with this company. After I anything know I update my blog. Thank you so much to make have pataions and read my blog. If any type of quarry so comment me or email me. I wish you don't join any type of trape. Have a good day.
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